Thursday, 31 December 2015

My year in books 2015

Happy New Year's Eve!

Sharing my year in books seems like a good way to end the year, so in this blogpost, I will show you how many and which books I read.

In most ways, 2015 was a good reading year for me.  It was the year where my love for books was sparked once again. I've always enjoyed reading, but, like many others have experienced, it has its ups and downs. Leaving a period where I hardly ever read behind me feels so good. Realising once more that reading makes me happy was amazing, and I'm certain you can relate!

This was also the year I started my bookstagram and joined GoodReads. Both are such huge motivations and inspirations when it comes to reading. The community has been so welcoming and lovely, I'm glad I joined in! It's always nice to meet like-minded people who you share a passion with, and I've rarely met people as passionate as booklovers. The only downside to finding places where everyone's reading journey is so well-documented, is that I feel like such a slacker when I'm not reading. In the end however, I'm happy to be reading at all again.

So, onto my year in books!

As you can see in the picture above, I read 38 books. Considering how busy I usually am, and how slow I read, I am happy with the results. My initial goal was like 10 or 20. I tend to be unable to focus for longer periods of time, and that's incredibly unhelpful as a reader. Halfway through the year, I decided to go for 30, and I was happy with that amount. I ended up crushing that goal, but not yet reaching 40. So next year, that will be my goal! It's a small, but exciting challenge.
Before 2015, I had read books like The Hunger Games and Divergent, but this year I started reading more Fantasy again. Mainly YA Fantasy, as that's the genre I enjoy reading the most. This was the year I discovered the Throne of Glass series and fell hopelessly in love. To me, it's the best thing since Harry Potter!

As you can see, most of the things I read were YA fantasy. Some were old favourites, like Harry Potter, which I will keep rereading until the end of time. Others were new discoveries, much like the ToG series. In 2015, I also started the Lunar Chronicles, and I am currently reading Winter. I won't finish it before the end of the year because that's just a couple of hours away(!), but it will most likely be my first book to finish in 2016! I can't think of a better way to start the year.

2015 was also the start of my life as a book hoarder collector. My collection has grown so much over the past year, and I've realised that looking at a shelf full of matching series and all those beautiful covers and spines brings me so much joy. Sharing my passion for books with other bibliophiles has also enhanced the whole experience. Talking about our favourite worlds, our OTPs and ships, and all the beloved characters has been so much fun! For the future, I plan on continuing down this path, and I will surely document the journey on here and other social media platforms. 
Looking back on my year in books, I'm happy to see I started so many new-to-me series. It means I have so much to look forward to in the new year! I'm most excited about finding out what happens next in Erilea, Ravka, and Mytica (+1 if you know which world belongs to which book, and yay for reading the same things as me!).

I look forward to sharing my favourite books of 2015 and my most anticipated reads of 2016 with you at the beginning of the new year. They won't just be new releases, although I must admit I cannot wait for A Torch against the Night! Most of the books I look forward to reading are just the next instalments in series you saw in this post. Or starting new series entirely (I'm looking at you Mistborn trilogy).

The year is rapidly drawing to a close, and overall I am pretty darn content with it. I hope you are satisfied with your reads as well!

I'd love to hear what your reading goal was, and whether you reached your goal or not.
I'd also like to know which books you enjoyed most!



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