Monday, 29 February 2016

February Wrap up

Hey everyone,

It's the end of another month, which means I will show you all the books I read in the past couple of weeks. This is my February wrap up!

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Reader Problems Booktag!

Hello everyone,

It's that time again! It's Wednesday, so that means I'm here to do a book tag! This time it's the Reader Problems tag.

Let's dive straight in!

Monday, 22 February 2016

Booktube made me read it! #1 (+ MIA explanation)

Hey everyone,

It has been two weeks since I last posted on here, and that's actually kind of sad. This blog is one of my favourite things that I've got going on at the moment, but somehow I just couldn't find the energy and inspiration to write anything. Today, I'll explain why, but not in great detail as its personal.

Saturday, 6 February 2016

TBR Shame Saturday #5

Hello everyone,

It's time for another TBR Shame Saturday. As always, I will include the synopsis for all the books mentioned, and I will tell you a bit about when and where I purchased them, and why I think I haven't read them yet.

This time, however, I'd like to apologise in advance because not all pictures are ones I took myself. I'm having a tough time right now, and I didn't have time to take the pictures since I wasn't home at all this week.

Anyhow, let's see which books are still on my TBR pile!

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

February TBR

Hey everyone,

A new month means a whole new TBR! Today I will share with you the books I plan on reading this month! I've included books that are already on my shelves only, so no new releases (I'm sorry, Glass Sword).

Anyway, let's go!

Monday, 1 February 2016

January Wrap-up

Happy first day of February everyone,

Today I will share with you my January Wrap-up. I will show you the books I read and what I thought of them, and whether I was able to finish my TBR or not!

Let's see what books I read first!