It's the end of another month, which means I will show you all the books I read in the past couple of weeks. This is my February wrap up!
This is it! These are all the books I read in the month of February. Even though I had a horrible reading slump this month, I did great! My reading slump lasted for over a week, so I'm pretty proud of this stack!
The books I read in February 2016:
Truthwitch - Susan Dennard > 2 stars
Me before You - Jojo Moyes > 5 stars
Twilight (reread) - Stephenie Meyer > 4 stars
Shadow Kiss - Richelle Mead > 5 stars
Blood Promise - Richelle Mead > 4 stars
World After - Susan Ee > 4 stars
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants - Ann Brashares > 4 stars
The first book I read this month, I actually started on the last day of January. I had been looking forward to this for weeks, and when I finally got to read it, I was so disappointed. I even read Me Before You in between because I just didn't care about this. Honestly, I wish I loved this. Maybe someday I'll give it another shot, but right now, I don't think that will happen. I wrote a review on GoodReads where I kind of explain why I didn't like it. It basically comes down to having expectations that weren't met (I thought it'd be an epic, awesome fantasy, which, to me, it wasn't.), and I didn't like the main character. However, I did like the villain in this. And keep in mind that my disliking this doesn't mean this is a bad book. Most people who have read it absolutely adored it. This just wasn't for me.
So as you've just read, I read this book while I was actually reading another book. I don't normally do that, I usually read one book at a time and that's it. But this just called my name so loudly! Like everyone and their mum, I saw the trailer. Actually, I just saw a 15-second trailer someone posted on Instagram where Lou is wearing the red dress and you hear her say "I'm a whole new person because of you". Instantly, I knew I needed this. So I bought it, and read it straight away. I cried so much that my boyfriend was actually worried at times, and when I finished the book, he just gave me a big hug because he knows how I am with books. I get so invested in the story and the character's lives, so if you've read this book, you know what that means! Now I just wish the film came out sooner!
I know this is a bit confusing, but the first book I started this month was Truthwitch, but the first book I finished this month was Me Before You... And then Truthwitch. Are you guys still with me? Okay, good. So about that reading slump I mentioned earlier; Truthwitch kind of caused that, mixed with the post-Me Before You feels. This meant I didn't read at all for a whole week (and a bit). Naturally, as one does, I went on Instagram for help. Someone recommended me to just reread an old favourite. Why didn't I think of that myself? Seriously! I decided to pick up Twilight. I used to love this way back when, and I still kind of do. I get why people hate it, I do too at times, but I am also very grateful as this book opened so many doors for YA books, fantasy in particular, and it made me read more when I was a teenager. So yes, thank you Twilight, for kicking my reading slump's butt!
After reading Twilight, it wasn't so much that I wanted to read about vampires some more, but I did feel like going back to a world I already knew. I didn't feel like jumping into a whole new world (immediately starts singing Aladdin while writing this), so I picked up Shadow Kiss. Everyone on Instagram had told me this was their favourite book of the whole series, and holy cow, I can see why! This was so intense, and I'd been warned that, once I'd finish it, I'd want to immediately read the next one. (See, this is why I asked for the last 3 books for Christmas, I just had this feeling about this series) So yeah, they were right, that ending! Which obviously meant that my next book was Blood Promise, what a surprise. Sadly, I didn't like this one as much because for most of the book nothing really happened in my opinion. I mean, it was still a good book, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, much like all the books that came before it, but it wasn't as intense.
Last but not least, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. When I saw the book list for my Children's Literature class, I immediately wanted to pick this book, even though I didn't own it. Because I didn't want to have to buy 6 new books just for this class alone, I decided to go with The Fault in Our Stars, mainly because I own it and have already read it. The thing is though, I don't really like TFiOS all that much. Now that the course has actually started, I decided to just buy Sisterhood and read something I actually feel like reading. I loved the films as a teenager, and let's be honest here: I still do! So this was a really easy choice to make. (For those interested, other books I will be reading for this class include: Peter Pan, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (have read this), The Wizard of Oz (have read this too), Flour Babies, and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.)
Did I manage to read the books I said I'd read in my February TBR? Well.. No. I read Truthwitch, Shadow Kiss, and World After, but I didn't read Snow like Ashes. So in a way, I failed that. On the other hand however, I read a bunch of other books, so it's all good. As long as I read and enjoy doing so, right?
That's it for today! Thank you all for reading, and I will see you soon with my March TBR!
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