Sunday, 13 March 2016

Slay That Series TBR

Hey everyone,

I decided to do the Slay that Series Read-a-thon because there are some series I've been meaning to finish, read, or start, but haven't.  This Read-a-thon is perfect for this because the aim is just to try to 'slay' all the series you've been neglecting!

Chami | ReadLikeWildFire:
↪ announcement video:
Sara | sarawithoutanH:
↪ announcement video:

☞ Dates: March 13-20
☞ Goodreads:
☞ Twitter: @SlayThatSeries
☞ Bookstagram: @SlayThatSeries
☞ Hashtag: #slaythatseries


My main goal will be finishing Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo. I've started this book twice this year, and both times I haven't been able to read, let alone finish, it. And it's nothing to do with the book either. The first time I tried to read it, I was in a reading slump, and the second time I was just more in the mood for playing games on my DS  (still kind of am). However, I am determined to finish this book during this read-a-thon.

If I end up finishing Ruin and Rising early, then the next book on my TBR is End of Days by Susan Ee. I started this series at the end of Spring last year, and I read the second book a few weeks ago. It's about time I finish this series. Not that I want it to end, but I do want to know how it ends!

If I can manage, I want to start Gathering Darkness by Morgan Rhodes. I'm kind of torn on this one. On the one hand I want to read it because I love this series, but on the other hand I want to save books 3 and 4 for when book 5 is about to come out. I think I will start this one sooner than that though, and hopefully this week!

That's it for my Slay that Series TBR. It certainly isn't big by any means, but I really feel the need to read these books!
Are you doing this read-a-thon?  If you are, which books do you plan on reading?



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