Saturday, 30 April 2016

April Wrap up + an update

Hello everyone,

As you all may have noticed, I didn't post anything this month. Not even a TBR. The reason for this is quite simple; I knew April was going to be busy and stressful. And it was.

I had exams this month (and a resit of a class I failed last year. Passed it this time thought!) and I went on a study trip to Dublin. It was a good month, but it was still pretty darn busy with both of these things going on, and some deadlines thrown in the mix. On top of that, I also got one of my last two wisdom teeth taken out just after getting back from Dublin, and while it was okay, it does hurt of course.The other good news is that I passed my exams and portfolios that had to be turned in, so not reading wasn't all for nothing.

The only book I read and finished this month was Q&A by Vikas Swarup, and that's a book I have to read for my literature class. I did start Six of Crows though and I am really enjoying it. Getting closer and closer to the end, I'm still not sure if I will finish it this month. I do have big plans for May though, but then again, don't we all haha! (Little update: I finished Six of Crows, omg, bring me Crooked Kingdom!)

I've been feeling like reading a bit more from the contemporary genre, and so I purchased Eleanor & Park and Amy & Roger's Epic Detour. While fantasy is my favourite and probably will always be my go-to genre, sometimes all the different worlds, magic systems, and wars make my head spin and then I just want to pick up a book about normal people doing more normal, relatable things. Eventually, I will be getting back to fantasy (and paranormal) then.

I have a beautiful April Haul coming up, and I am excited about everything I got even though I haven't had the time to read any of it yet. Hopefully I will soon get to do so!

I hope you've all had a great reading month, and if you haven't, like me, remember that there's always next month and that it's great if you're reading at all.
Not reading or reading less also gives you time and space to do other things, like spending time with friends and family :)

Thank you so much for reading! I will be back soon with my Book Haul!



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