Thursday, 30 June 2016

Bookish Resolutions update #2

Hey everyone,

Just over 3 months ago, I did my first reading update of the year.  By the end of March, I had read about 21 books and I was doing so well on my challenge books. Cut to the end of June. In the mean time, I've had 2 exam weeks (Halfway through April, and the other one was last week.), tons of deadlines and assignments, and I actually haven't been feeling to great. I'd go into that, but I don't think anyone really wants to read about my problems and struggles, so let's just move onto the books, shall we?

I'm now on 29 books, which is still okay, but as you can probably tell if you do the math: I've only read 8 books in the past 3 months. I've been in a huge slump because of two reasons: The Raven Boys, and the books I had to read for my literature class.
Let me explain. I started The Raven Boys almost two months ago, and I finished it right before June ended. It's fine, I really enjoyed it actually. But it was so slow at times, that I couldn't get through it as quickly as I thought I would. I kept wanting to read it, but I couldn't get through it. At the same time, I had to read a couple of books for class, to write essays and such on. They covered topics I struggle with (mainly rape and violence against women, if you're wondering), which made it very difficult for me to want to read and is a big part of why I haven't been feeling to great. Having the topic shoved in my face every single week (during class) was pretty tough. But summer's almost here now, so I can read whatever I please.

I have a few books that are at the top of my TBR list now, and they basically have virtually nothing to do with the Challenge books I assigned myself at the start of the year. It's absolutely not because I don't want to read them, but because for the time being, I am much more excited about other books. To be honest, I feel like giving up on these challenge books, as they feel quite restricting to me now. I thought they might be exciting, or help me focus, but they don't. They make me feel like I can't read what I feel like reading, and that's completely against one of my bookish resolutions.
A couple of days ago, I also made a list on my phone of books for my Summer TBR, and I am really excited about them. But I know I will just want to read something else and ditch the TBR altogether, just like I have done with every TBR ever. I have wonderful books on my TBR, like A Court of Mist and Fury, The Unexpected Everything, Always with Love, and The Final Empire. But I think it's more of a Summer Reading Inspiration Stack, than an actual TBR. "To Be Read" sometimes makes me feel like it's set in stone, which it's not, and I know that's all in my head, but it still affects my reading. What will happen is what happened while reading The Raven Boys. I want to read it, but it's not working for me or I'm not into it that much, I'll want to read something else, but this other book is looming over my head as if it's trying to say "no wait, you're reading me, don't read that!". And then I won't read anything at all, and just watch Netflix and play the Sims 4. Which is a ton of fun, but I want to read too!
Just a small portion of the unread books I currently own... Oh dear.

So my main 'new' goal of 2016 is to just read what I feel like reading. Take the pressure I so excitedly put on myself at the start of this year off a little. There are a few books I really want to start right away, and I always find that pile of unread books I own a bit overwhelming. If only I could read it all at the same time, but that's never going to happen, right? So, at least for the summer, I am taking the pressure off and ditching the  Challenge Books and resolutions. Except for that one where I allow myself to read whatever I want because let's be honest here, that's a good one.

I'd love to hear about your reading year so far! How are you doing on your GoodReads challenge (if you have one)? Do you have any resolutions you made at the start of the year that you're not so sure about anymore? Or have you made new ones recently? Please leave a comment and let me know!



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