Wednesday 9 March 2016

Would You Rather? (Bookish style)

Hey everyone,

I'm back with a new tag! This time I'll be doing the Would You Rather...? tag, the bookish edition.

Let's see what decision I had to make!

Would you rather...
1. Read only trilogies or stand-alones?
Read only trilogies! I love when we get more time to get to know characters, and to explore a world. Unless it's like the Divergent trilogy... That should've been a standalone.
2. Read only female or male authors?
Female authors. Right now, most of the books I read and love are written by female authors, and I feel myself connecting more with their stories, worlds, and characters.

3. Shop at Barnes & Noble or Amazon?
I shop at neither right now (I live in the Netherlands). But if there was a physical book store near me that sold all the books I'd like to read, then I'd pick that over the internets any day. I love going to book stores, but most stores in the Netherlands only sell Dutch books, which I don't read and don't ever want to read. The ones that do sell English books (I have 3 go-to stores), sell some books I'd like or love (Like 3 shelves of books), but it's nothing compared to book stores in England or America, which means some books just aren't available to me, unless I buy them online and pay a ton for shipping.

4. All books become movies or t.v. shows?
Movies would be okay, if they were like The Hunger Games and not like Divergent. TV shows would allow so much world building and development... I'd have to go with series. But if they're done like The Vampire Diaries or the Shadowhunters TV show (not at all like the books) then nothing. Please leave the babies alone.

5. Read 5 pages per day or 5 books per week?
5 books per week.. Duh.. Otherwise you'd read about 4 books a year, and that's just not enough for me. 5 books is an unrealistically large number of books to read in one week, especially for me, but I'd go for that.

6. Be a professional reviewer or author?
Author. Yes please. Although I do understand that it's very stressful, but so is reviewing in a way (high pressure). I'd much rather create my own book world, then just reading tons and reviewing them. (I could do that as a hobby anyway)

7. Only read your top 20 favorite books over and over or always read new ones that you haven't read before?
Then I'd rather read new books every time. Because reading your 20 favourite books over and over is so narrowing.. There are so many books, none of us could ever read all of them. And new books come out so often, why would I want to just read 20 books I've already read.

8. Be a librarian or book seller?
Librarian then I think. I don't know, but being a book seller seems so stressful because sure people who love to read show up at your store, but so do people who don't know anything about books and just want to buy "a book for that one friend who reads".
"Oh what does your friend like to read?" "I don't know, books?" 
Yea, no thanks. I already have a difficult time talking to non-readers about why I like reading because they never understand because to them "books are just so boring and lame". I don't want that to be my job.

9. Only read your favorite genre, or every genre except your favorite?
Only my favourite then. I'd love to read more classics, and some contemporary maybe. But never reading (YA) fantasy would mean I'd miss out on all the things I love most about reading.

10. Only read physical books or eBooks?
I only ever read physical books and I'm certain it will stay that way for the rest of my life. Nothing beats the smell of books, and petting them, and looking at them, and rearranging them on your shelves, and ugh.. It's just the best!

That's it for today! I'll be back soon with another blogpost.



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